Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Stuff you find when you're moving

I found an important reminder of my spiritual journey and call. I usually keep a small spiral notebook handy, to jot stuff down in. This one had a sheet with a date, 16.5.96.

It referenced Olav Parnemets' visit to First Methodist on Lexington. Olav was the Estonian Methodist District Superintendent. He told a little bit of his story about Soviet times. I noted: "I need to quit whining. If Olav could follow Christ when the stakes were high I need to get my life straightened out."

What was going on is that I was running from a call to ministry. About a month from that entry, I was in Estonia, and every objection I had fell away. In those days, Melissa and I were friends, no inkling there would be anything more. She told some fellow students that I was going to quit the Ph.D. program. "How do you know?" they asked. She said that she could tell by looking at me, something happened there.

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