Sunday, August 7, 2011

9 Years

This weekend, we celebrated Joseph's 9th birthday. It seems like yesterday we had his eighth birthday, like yesterday that he was just born. I can still remember holding him right after he was born, showing him to family. What a precious boy! What a wonderful blessing! A big strong boy (half inch shy of 5 feet tall!) who will still sit with me, curled up under a blanket in the La-Z-Boy.

Jessie's mom came down, and that really made his day! I told him we'd have a special guest when he woke up, as Grandma was coming in late. When he saw her, he told me that he was so happy. He said, "I thought maybe it was somebody from Lexington!" It meant a lot to him to see her, all the way from Illinois.

I think back to that strange time after Melissa died, and we were at a birthday party for this person we did not know, Jessie. In pictures from that party there was Joseph and John everywhere Jessie's mother was. We joke that they wanted Jessie because of her mom.

I think of my little man and all that he has been through. I tell him all the time how much God has blessed me through him.

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