Saturday, November 26, 2011

A New Year

This morning, Tom Burns died. He had not been able to come to our church in some time. A kind saint in the church put together a list of our shut-ins, and that list has brought such great ministry! First, it has created a monthly communion service at a nursing home. And second, it gave me a chance to meet Mr. Burns before he died. Tom and Ada were married for 70 years! Longer than many people live. It is hard to imagine how deep her grief must be. We shared Scripture and prayer, and hopefully will have more time to be in prayer and ministry with her.

How very thankful I am for the wisdom of my mentor in ministry, Howard Willen, who so strongly emphasized visitation of the sick and shut-in with prayer and Scripture reading.

My mom, dad, brother, sister-in-law, and niece came into visit over Thanksgiving. We had time to grill ribs, eat turkey and visit. I guess it hits me now that everyone is gone that we are blessed with jobs and homes and we hope that 2012 can be a year of rest and regrouping and growing stronger, building on the joy that God has given us. May we all be found healthier and happier and even more sensible of our blessings!

I am veyr much looking forward to preaching tomorrow... first Sunday of Advent!

My mom brought me a tin of Lebkuchen, German Christmas gingerbreads. What a wonderful memory of the times we went to Nuernberg at Christmastime. In some theological circles we gripe and moan about Christendom... whatever else we may say about this thing we derisively call "Christendom," it set apart and sanctified time and space. 12 Days of Christmas would be awesome in so many ways. Kids have it off, but we stay busy... we could be busy by worship and feasting the great news of Jesus' birth!

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