Monday, November 28, 2011


Last night, the church decorated the sanctuary and Wesley Hall. It is amazingly beautiful. There is something about the simplicity of a Protestant Church that is just... Beautiful in a dimly lit time like a Christmas Eve service. I am really looking forward being in the services this season.

We had a whole bunch of kids getting ready for their Christmas play. They are so cute and it is really neat to see how some of them come out of their shells... Or how they intensify who they already are!

Jonathan Powers talked me into reading the New Testament through Advent. Like I needed much arm-twisting. As is was reading the first 12 chs of Matthew today, I was really hit with an anticipation about what reading Revelation will be like in the days closest to Christmas!

You can read the Bible in 90 days! Matt Baker I think got me started on that kick. What an amazing thing! You get that much scripture in your life, things happen. Maybe best of all, the greatest way of reading the Bible will open to you! Letting Scripture interpret Scripture opens up whole new worlds of understanding. If you want to understand the Old Testament, you'll need to understand Jesus. And if you want to understand Jesus, you'll need to understand the Old Testament. No better way to do that than to read lots and lots of Scripture.

What a way to start the New Year, than by starting a 90 day Bible reading plan!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. It hit me today too that it will be pretty awesome (and I mean that in the awe-inspring sense) to read Revelation right before Christmas. Ending on Christmas Eve with "Amen. Come Lord Jesus!" is going to be amazing. So glad you are joining in on the reading! I look forward to the journey.
